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Linthorpe Road cycling and pedestrian improvements

A programme of Local Cycling and Walking Implementation Plans have been produced for the whole region, following work with Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA). Proposals to improve Linthorpe Road for cyclists and pedestrians have been given funding from the Department for Transport and from TVCA's Transforming Cities Fund.

Phase 1 of the scheme will link Borough Road to Ayresome Street through a mix of protected space for cycling on the highway, and improved road crossings for cyclists and pedestrians.

This scheme will help to:

  • improve safety
  • create a more pedestrian-friendly route
  • support the local economy
  • improve accessibility to local retail, leisure, and services
  • reduce congestion, improving air quality and the local environment
  • improve the public realm
  • improve public health by reducing pollution
  • create an environment where people can travel actively
  • show a commitment to the government's aim of significantly increasing cycling levels

You can see artist's impressions of some of the plans below.

Update - October 2022


Phase one of the scheme is now complete, although there is still some minor maintenance work needed. We will monitor the use of the cycle lanes, and plan any improvements needed.

We know it might take time for people to adapt to the new road layout. Please bear in mind the following rules:

  1. The cycle lanes should only be used by bikes (both pedal bikes and electric bikes) and e-scooters.
  2. The cycle lanes are one-way only. Cyclists must travel in the same direction as the road traffic, with other vehicles on their right-hand side.
  3. Cyclists must obey traffic signals and stop at red lights.
  4. Vehicles must not be parked in the cycle lane, or on the pavement. Any vehicles doing so will receive a fixed penalty notice for illegal parking.
  5. We strongly recommend that pedestrians only cross Linthorpe Road at designated crossing points (areas with dropped kerbs, and crossings with signals). Pedestrians should follow the Green Cross Code (found in The Highway Code) at all times.

Businesses which need additional business support can find out more on the cost of living information for businesses page.

Update - June 2022


We expect that construction of the cycleway on Linthorpe Road will now be completed in September 2022.

This delay has been caused by a number of things, including:

  • additional improvements being identified and accounted for in the scheme
  • adverse ground issues which meant harder digging and more time needed to make progress
  • Covid-related illness in the workforce
  • supply chain issues 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these delays. We're still committed to completing the works in the shortest possible amount of time, with the least disruption possible. We've written to the properties which will be directly impacted to explain more.

Update - February 2022


We've now appointed Cleveland Land Services to carry out the construction of the cycleway, and we're planning for work to begin on Monday 28 February 2022. We expect the works to take 14 weeks, based on the information we have available at the moment. Adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen issues may result in unavoidable delays.

We've worked with CLS to agree four key promises for the project:

  1. To carry out the works with the least possible impact on stakeholders
  2. To carry out the works in the shortest possible amount of time
  3. To make sure business, residential, and pedestrian access is maintained at all times
  4. To communicate all temporary traffic management arrangements effectively throughout the project, giving as much notice as possible for any alterations

Normal on-site working hours will be between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. There will be some twilight working (7pm to 12am) where needed. Any road closures will be kept to an absolute minimum. We expect that two-way traffic flow, and full access to premises and properties will be maintained at all times.

CLS will be based at Amber Street car park, which will be used to house welfare facilities, and store materials and plant (machinery).

CLS will be on site throughout, and should be the first point of contact for emergencies. Contact:

  • Emergencies - 07795 651737
  • CLS community liaison (day to day enquiries) - 01642 488 328

For any non-urgent queries, please contact Middlesbrough Council by calling 01642 245432, or emailing highway_improvements@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Consultation results


A public consultation ran from 14 December 2020 to 3 February 2021. We've looked at the results and put together a summary document.

We've also sent an open letter to all properties which face on to Linthorpe Road. The letter explains our position and desire to move forward with the scheme, as well as how we plan to overcome the issues raised in the consultation. Read the letter to Linthorpe Road properties.

Final scheme design


Following the outcome of the consultation and liaison with stakeholders, we've worked to incorporate alterations to the proposals, which can be seen in the plans below. All stakeholders who will be directly impacted have been sent a letter explaining the alterations, and how to view copies of the plans.


Linthorpe Road final design